Cervical Cancer Study

Study Summary: The study aims to describe the knowledge and perceptions about Cervical Cancer screening, level of uptake and factors associated with Cervical Cancer screening uptake among women aged 25 years and above in Wakiso district, in Uganda.

This is an explanatory mixed methods cross-sectional study conducted in the rural (Sentema), urban (Kazo) and Peri-urban (Lukwanga) communities within the existing AMBSO Population Health Surveillance (APHS) cohort study. The study enrollment include; Quantitative: 625 participants; Qualitative: six (6) Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and seventeen (17) Key informant interviews (KIIs).

Study period: One year

Principal Investigator: Robert Bulamba MPH

Study Sponsor: National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), in partnership with the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH)

Study site: AMBSO-Kampala Research Site, Wakiso Uganda

Progress: Completed collection and data analysis is ongoing