Publications & Abstracts

Welcome to our collection of abstracts and publications, highlighting AMBSO's contributions to health research, clinical trials, and other health-related initiatives. This repository reflects our commitment to advancing healthcare through innovative research and evidence-based insights. Explore our growing collection of materials, ranging from clinical findings to groundbreaking studies, designed to inform and inspire progress in the health sector.


2024Robert M. Bulamba et alExamining associations between mental health and Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (C-NCDs) among older adults in Wakiso, Uganda.
2024Daama A. et alMotivations for continued tobacco smoking and reasons for quitting among youths in Wakiso district, Uganda: A qualitative study.
2024Daama A. et alWillingness to receive COVID-19 vaccines, associated factors and reasons for not taking a vaccine: a cross-sectional study among persons aged 13–80 years in Wakiso, Central Uganda.
2024Mira J. Qureshi et alWomen’s access to family planning and experiences of reproductive coercion during the COVID-19 lockdown in two districts of Uganda.
2024Alex Daama et alCharacterisation of Tobacco Use and its Associated Factors Among Older Youths in an Urban Setting: The Case of Wakiso, Uganda.
2023Malachi Ochieng Arunda et alPrevalence and predictors of use of long-term and short-acting reversible contraceptives among women of reproductive age in Wakiso and Hoima districts, Uganda: A cross-sectional study.
2022Mugamba, S. et alCohort Profile: The Africa Medical and Behavioral Sciences Organization (AMBSO) Population Health Surveillance (APHS) in rural, semi-urban and urban Uganda.
2022Miller, A.P. et alExploring the impact of COVID-19 on women’s alcohol use, mental health, and experiences of intimate partner violence in Wakiso, Uganda.
2021Miller, A.P. et alConstruct validity and internal consistency of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) depression screening measure translated into two Ugandan languages.
2021Awungafac, G. et alHousehold food insecurity and its association with self-reported male perpetration of intimate partner violence: A survey of two districts in central and western Uganda.
2021Miller, A.P. et alNot Enough Money and Too Many Thoughts: Exploring Perceptions of Mental Health in Two Ugandan Districts Through the Mental Health Literacy Framework.
2021Daama A. et alAssessing Uptake of COVID-19 Preventive Measures among Persons Aged 13-80 Years during Lockdown in Wakiso, Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Study.


YearPresenterAbstract TitleConference
2024Erinah Nabunya et alHIV among Women in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal period in Wakiso and Hoima Districts, Uganda: A Population-based study.Uganda Society for Health Scientists-2024, Kampala (Uganda).
2024Alex Daama et alMotivations for continued tobacco smoking and reasons for quitting among youths in Wakiso district, Uganda: A qualitative study.Uganda Society for Health Scientists-2024, Kampala (Uganda).
2024Alex Daama et alPre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) awareness, willingness, uptake, and associated factors among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Uganda. A population-based cross-sectional study.Uganda Society for Health Scientists-2024, Kampala (Uganda).
2024Robert Bulamba M et alExamining Associations between Mental Health and Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (C-NCDs) among Older Adults in Wakiso, Uganda.Uganda Society for Health Scientists-2024, Kampala (Uganda).
2024Robert Bulamba M et alGender differentials in HIV prevalence with sexual and behavioral characteristics in Central and Mid-western regions of Uganda.Uganda Society for Health Scientists-2024, Kampala (Uganda).
2022Alex Daama et alUptake of COVID-19 preventive measures among persons aged 13-80 years during the lockdown in Uganda. A cross-sectional study in Wakiso district.International Conference on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis, and Prevention Research (INTEREST)-2022, Imperial Resort Hotel, Munyonyo Kampala.
2022Robert Bulamba M et alPrevalence of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) and HIV among Aging Individuals in a Prospective Rural and Urban Longitudinal Cohort Study in Uganda.The Joint Annual Scientific Health Conference.
2021Ritah Bulamu et alUnderstanding the burden of mental illness and associated HIV risk factors in Wakiso district, central Uganda, in the context of phase 1 COVID-19 countrywide lockdown.National HIV and AIDS Scientific Conference by Uganda AIDS Commission-2021 at Hotel Africana, Kampala.
2021Owori Micheal et alA comparison between contraceptive use and HIV prevalence among Ugandan youths (18-31 years) in Hoima District, Mid-West Uganda.National HIV and AIDS Scientific Conference by Uganda AIDS Commission-2021 at Hotel Africana, Kampala.
2021Philip Kato et alConsequences of Marital dissolution and associated factors in two districts of Hoima and Wakiso, Mid-west and Central, Uganda.National HIV and AIDS Scientific Conference by Uganda AIDS Commission-2021 at Hotel Africana, Kampala.
2021Robert Bulamba M et alGender differentials in HIV prevalence with unique contrasting sexual and behavioral characteristics in Central and Mid-western regions of Uganda.21st International Conference on HIV and STIs in Africa (ICASA).
2020Robert Bulamba M et alDrivers of Depression during COVID-19 Lock-Down in Wakiso District, Uganda.International Conference on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis, and Prevention Research (INTEREST)-2020, Kampala.
2020Philip Kato et alDeterminants of early sexual debut in Wakiso district, Uganda.International Conference on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis, and Prevention Research (INTEREST)-2020, Kampala.
2020Robert Bulamba M et alHIV and Syphilis Burden among Uncircumcised and circumcised Men in Hoima District, Uganda.International Conference on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis, and Prevention Research (INTEREST)-2020, Kampala.